
Thursday, July 21, 2011

10 Facts about Google

Google has said that they are not a conventional company and neither does it have any intentions to become one. It has an almost dominating effect on all of the lives of all of the people involved online. In this article, we will bring you ten of the most exciting and interesting facts about Google which you will probably find hard to believe.

The Blank Google Look

The main reason that the Google home page has a minimalistic style is because the founders did not know much of HTML and just wanted to create a quick interface. Yes it is true even if hard to believe!

The First Google Doodle

The very first things that you observe upon opening Google’s homepage are the Google’s “Doodles”. A doodle involves the changing of Google logo graphics to mark any event or anniversary. And what’s more interesting about this feature is that it was first designed as an out of office message.

Google Rents Goats

One of the most interesting fact about Google is that they have rented about 200 goats from a company called California Grazing. They did it to help cut down the amount of weeds and brush at Google HQ. They put it as “A lot cuter to watch than lawn mowers.” Uh.. a nice way to go green too.

Google Is Dog-Friendly

Google is a dog-friendly company and do not support cats as much. They said that Google’s affection for our canine friends is an integral facet of our corporate culture.
 Google’s First Ever “Company Snack” Was Swedish Fish
The “Swedish Fish” back in the early days of the incorporation of the Google was the first ever company snack. The Googlers piled on so much weight soon after joining the company that they had to reduce it in the company gym and also had to go at least 100 feet to get the snacks.

Google’s First Ever Tweet

Google’s first ever Tweet on twitter was the message sent in February 2009, and it reads as “I’m 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010.” If you are not very fluent in binary, you may have difficult to understand. In other words it says “I’m feeling lucky.


Another interesting fact about Gmail is that it was used internally for around two years and it was discovered that there were approximately 6 types of email users back then and they were to accommodate these 6 types.

Google Logo

Google did not have their logo centred until March 31, 2001. In the earlier days they had a Yahoo-style exclamation mark and had a bias to the left-hand side. Yea the old fashion and old days of the internet.

Google’s IPO

Another very interesting fact about Google’s IPO is that the opening price for Google’s stock was $85 per share and later last year it sky rocketed to the $600 making GOOG a rather nice investment for many.

The Name ‘Google’

The name ‘Google’ was coined by an accident because the founding members thought that they were going for ‘Googol’. A lucky and nice accident hmm!

Qu'est ce qui fait de vous un vrai mauricien? :p

1. Vous déroulez tous vos cadeaux soigneusement, de sorte à ce que vous puissiez réutiliser l'emballage. 

2. Vous appelez une personne que vous n'avez jamais rencontrée avant, tonton ou tantine. 

3. Plus de 90% de la musique CD et cassettes dans votre maison sont des copies illégales. 

4. Votre garage est toujours plein de bricoles parce que vous ne jetez jamais rien, juste au cas où vous en auriez besoin. 

5. Vous avez une collection de bouteille miniature de shampooing de vos séjours dans les hôtels. (Gocool, coeur doux, fierté africaine....). 

6. Vous avez presque toujours voyagé en avion avec des excédents de bagages à cause des cadeaux à ramener pour la famille au pays ou, en partant à l'etranger, à cause des denrées alimentaires locales (Zassart 'achards', Koutia, fromaz kraft, curry poulet, brède songe et 
j'en passe) 

7. Tous les enfants ont des surnoms ennuyants (genre Papou, Papitou, Papi, Mignon , Bijou , Mounane, Mazoune, Sounoune, Toutoune, ti kok etc...). 

8. Personne dans votre famille et entourage ne vous informe qu'il vient pour une visite, sauf lorsqu'il est arrivé (oncle, belles soeurs, neveux, cousin, ami , copine ..). 

9. Vous continuez à changer votre fournisseur de service Internet ou de telephonie mobile parce que le premier mois du nouveau fournisseur est gratuit. 

10. Les fournitures de bureau trouvent mystérieusement leur chemin à votre domicile. (tronbonnes, agrafeuses, goupilles de bureau, poinçonneuse, scotch, etc...). 

11. Quand vous êtes jeune, vos parents vous achètent des vêtements et des chaussures au moins une taille plus grande de sorte qu'ils durent plus longtemps. 

12. Quand il y a des réceptions au bureau ou chez des amis, vous emportez 90% de la nourriture dans des sachets en plastique bleus ou noirs. En plus kan ena dinner cot camouade, prends pou gagne lunch pou lendemain, pas jolie sa. 

13. Nous détestons nos collègues qui sont compétents et rigoureux dans leur travail. Il se prend pour qui celui- là !!! il fatigue les gens, tchrrrrr !!!! on peut meme pas etre un peu en retard !! 

14. Malgré toutes les croyances (catholique, musulmans, hindous etc...) on reste tout de même attaché au vieux marabout du quartier d'à côté 
et aux traditions du village.

15. Même si à la maison on ne mange pas, dehors on fait bien le riche et la frime est une marque déposée (Parfum cot MADO / soulier Adidas etc) . 

Je constate que tu souris, parce que tu te reconnais dans au moins une de ces caractéristiques. 

Source: facebook!

Castles around the World

I've always been amazed by castles since i was a child! Here are some of the beatiful, unique castles around the World:

England: Windsor Castle 

Italy: Castello di Strassoldo di Sopra 

Germany: Frankenstein Castle

Romania: Bran Castle (Dracula's Castle)

France: Château de Versailles

Iran: Arg-é Bam Castle

Mexico: Chapultepec Castle

US: Hearst Castle

Canada: Casa Loma

Scotland: Stollmeyer’s Castle

Cyprus: Kolossi Castle

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Miniatur Wunderland

Miniatur Wundeland: The Only Stuff that has impressed me this Year!

Hats Off to all those Engineers, Programmers, The Twin-Manager & all those fantastic peeps involved..

Here's the Largest Virtual Railway in the World:

This is the Hamburg Flughafen Airport:

Neon Cambridge Satchel

Created by the Cambridge Satchel Companies, these fluo satchels are just the Perfect Accessories to wear for this Spring! These Trendy Hand Bags add a splash of colour to make any Outfit Complete!

Here are some way to way it:

These Bags are not available on Ebay or Amazon but you can Purchase 'em at:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Some Stupid but Funny Jokes (Moron) xD

Why do morons like lightning?
They think someone is taking their picture.

Why did it take the moron an hour to eat breakfast?
Because the orange juice carton instructions said Concentrate ! !

What do you do if a moron throws a grenade at you?
Pull the pin and throw it back at him.

How did the moron fall on the floor?
He tripped over the cordless phone.

How did the moron try to kill a bird?
He threw it off a mountain cliff !

Why did the moron climb the glass wall ?
To see what was on the other side!

How do you confuse a moron?
Put him in a round room and tell him to sit in one corner!

Hear about the moron that got an AM radio?
It took him a month to realize he could play it at night.

Why did the moron going to the airport turn around and go home?
Because he saw the sign that said "Airport Left".

Two morons were walking through the woods and they came to some tracks.
The first moron said "These look like deer tracks,"
and the other moron said, "No, they look like moose tracks."
They argued and argued, and they were still arguing when the train hit them.

Why can't a moron dial 911?
He can't find the 11 on the phone!

How do you keep a moron in suspense?
I'll tell you tomorrow!