
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Art Works!

I've not been paintin' since 4 years, but here are some of the stuffs that I've done when i was between 11-13 years old at school:

I'd to do somethin like 'Hunting in the Savanah'  ae know my giraffe looks kinda weird cos i was really bad at painting! :P 


Outdoor Drawing! View from the top of the school (5 years back)

   'A townscale on my Shoe'


I'd done this stuff in my Home Economics Classes! I was even bad in sewing :$

I'd embroided my name manually! 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Discipline? Mon Cul :|

Putain! :/ Kel Journee merdique...

J'vais vous raconT un ptit histoire:

Voici l'histoire d'un homme qui dirige un établissement scolaire!

Pendan 3 jours consécutives, il a fait ressortir et ressortir (voire hurler) ke nul n'a le droit d'apporter leurs ptit freres ou soeurs ou les ex eleves de l'ecole a l'occasion de la fete de la Musique a l'ecole! 

Mais, Or, pendant la ceremonie une ex-eleve de l'ecole est venue, et Hop, Rien! Alors ke les autres eleves de l'ecole qui ne portaient pas leurs uniformes n'ont pas pu assister a cette spectacle merdique, l'ex eleve en kestion a eu le Privilege de l'assister!

Heh Bien Monsieur, ou est passé votre 'Discipline'?

Et en plus de sa, le Bougre en question a eu le culot d'insulter une eleve de l'ecole parce qu'elle avait eu l'audacite de lui demander pourquoi cette forme de Discrimination!

Euh en passant, dimune cki p senti zot visé, zot ban gro P (en lettre majuscule svp) et mo bien merde r zot! :D

Fuck You Suckers!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Time's Flyin...

Whooa..x I'm already 18

I still remember my first day at High School & now, i'm already at my last year & in a few months I'll be sittin' for my A-level exams :DD

During High School, I've come across many ppl who'd marked my life wit lutsa memorable, unforgettable, remarkable, wretched, unhappy moments... Well, that's part of life I guess... :/

While some ppl had been sum huge mistakes, others have positively marked my Life!

My best friend since Form 1 has been Kuxi, & gradually I met Mehts & Shane! In Form4, i came across Tagz & Geez & we'd created the 'Packet Beaterz' xD Here's the link to the blog:

My lovelyyy friends... Shared soo many stuffs together: Hikin', Terre Rouge Estuary, the F.U.N at school... Love you all despite not bein in the same class (& other f*ckin' reasons).. <3

Well, school was really A.M.A.Z.I.N.G & F.U.N at that time, but now, School definitely does sucks! Can't wait till the end of this year..xD

Sunday, June 5, 2011

3 Man Chess

Finally, a Chess variant board has been developed that accommodates three players, without compromising ANY of the rules, strategies, or competitive challenges that make Chess the best board game in the world.  

The only changes from conventional chess are some protocol issues that must be followed to maintain order where the teams border each other, which is simple and necessary.  

Also, please notice that the trajectory lines orienting from the outer rank, are simply visual aids to help guide diagonal moves passing through the center.  If the path is clear, a diagonal move starting from the outer rank can pass through the center and sweep back around to where it originated.  The complexities of the third player are infinite.  Your threatened piece may be allowed to maintain occupancy as your position is beneficial to the threatening player.  But how long can it last?  This scenario may exist all over the board.  There are multiple trust and doubt situations between all players.  An unexpected move might well result in a cascading massacre.  Defense is crucial since a diagonal move through the center, or a horizontal move around the center can sneak up behind you.  A player can be checkmated by a combination of both other players or ultimately one player can checkmate both other players at the same time. 

For more Info GoTo: